World Space Week is an International celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition. The United Nations General Assembly declared in 1999 that World Space Week will be held each year from October 4-10. These dates commemorate two events:
- October 4, 1957: Launch of the first human-made Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, thus opening the way for space exploration.
- October 10, 1967: The signing of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activites of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.
Where and how is World Space Week celebrated?
World Space Week consists of space education and outreach events held by space agencies, aerospace companies, schools, planetaria, museums, and astronomy clubs around the world in a common timeframe. World Space Week is coordinated by the United Nations with the support of the World Space Week Association (WSWA). The WSWA leads a global team of National Coordinators, who promote the celebration of World Space Week within their own countries.
What are the goals of World Space Week?
- Provide unique leverage in space outreach and education
- Educate people around the world about the benefits that they receive from space
- Encourage greater use of space for sustainable economic development
- Demonstrate public support for space programs
- Foster international cooperation in space outreach and education
Celebrations of World Space Week-2023 at U R Rao Satellite Centre, Bengaluru
U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC) of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is lead centre in the country for design and realisation of satellites. Over the years, ISRO has carried out its mission of bringing space to the service of the common man and for addressing key issues of national development. As one of the leading space faring nations, India has been actively associated with various international bodies for the spreading of knowledge about space science through the World Space Week.
U R Rao Satellite Centre has been celebrating the World Space Week in a befitting manner every year. This year, Centre is celebrating the World Space Week through outreach program.
On 4th and 10th Oct, Inaugural and Valedictory functions are arranged at URSC campus, where teachers and students from various schools are participating. Live stream of these programs is made available.
During the World Space Week, Staff from URSC in batches is visiting different schools and colleges across the state.
The events comprises of Space Exhibition,technical talk and competitions like quiz, elocution, painting at all these places suitably awarding the winners. The event has Interactions between Scientists from ISRO and student-faculty for spreading the knowledge on space science.
Apart from the above programmes, URSC in association with PrasarBharathi, All India Radio (AIR) is conducting Space Quiz programme daily from 4thOctober to 10th October in FM Rainbow Kannada Kamanbillu 101.3 MHz. The one-hour program is aired daily from 3pm to 4pm, where quiz questions about space science will be posed to the listeners. Answers can be sent to FM Rainbow Whatsapp number 9480901013, 1st correct answer of each question is suitably rewarded by URSC.