About JobsURSC offers the career opportunities in various fields of specialization and qualifications. Some of the major job opportunities in Scientific and Technical Category are:
The recruitment for Scientist/Engineer posts are mainly done through ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB) annually. The recruitment for other S & T posts is carried out in URSC based on need. In the Administrative category, recruitment is done for various posts such as Administrative Officer, Accounts Officer, Purchase & Stores Officer, Assistants, Junior Personnel Assistants, etc. by ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB). There will be an initial screening based on the academic performance, and other parameters given in the on-line applications and only those screened-in candidates shall be called for written test/interview as per ISRO Recruitment procedures. Latest updates on job opening will be hosted in the ISRO web-site. Applications for all the post will be received on-line only. |