Home : Science Promotion : National Science Day : NSD-2022 : Summary Last updated on: 15-Jun-2022

NSD-2022: Summary

nsd-img National Science Day is celebrated all over India on 28th February every year with great passion and enthusiasm to inculcate a scientific spirit in the young minds at a very young age. This day is celebrated in commemoration of the discovery of 'Raman Effect' by the Indian Physicist Sir. C V Raman, who carried out ground-breaking work in the field of light scattering, which earned him the 1930 Nobel Prize for Physics. U R Rao Satellite Centre, Bangalore, celebrates the National Science Day, every year, by encouraging students and teachers from various schools in and around Bengaluru to participate in various events.

URSC celebrated NSD-2022 on the theme declared by DST ‘Integrated approach in Science and Technology for sustainable future’ to showcase the importance for the future. The events for the students held at U R Rao Satellite Centre, this year have seen a very wide participation of 414 registered candidates which includes Teachers and students from 82 different schools.

To inculcate and express the scientific ideas, on 18th Feb, 2022, two events - Test-of-Scientific-Temper and painting competition held for the students. The Spot-painting on 18th brought out the artists in the young and energetic students, who amazed all of us with their talent and ingenuity. A total of 72 students from 22 schools and standards participated in the event with the themes: “Journey to space”, “Role of science and Technology in our life”.

Test-of-scientific-Temper had about 50 students participating from 18 schools in the first round. 12 students were selected for the second round. A simple questionnaire on science behind the day-to-day observations, really tested children's scientific reasoning abilities. The 2nd round of Test of scientific temper was organized where selected students from the first round presented on various scientific issues faced by our society. It was indeed very creative and thoughtful as ‘young’ can be associated only to their age, ideas are much more matured.

On Feb 21st, 2022, Extempore-Science-Elocution was held. The event extempore-science-elocution had an overwhelming participation from about 37 students from 20 schools. It was amazing to listen to the instantaneous innovative ideas of the young children packed with imagination.

On Feb 22nd , Essay competition event had 184 students participating from 26 schools, who wrote essays such as Conservation of Wild Life”, Natural Calamities & climate change, Rockets & Satellites” in Kannada, Hindi, and English.

On 23rd February, a most popular competition of the NSD - Science Quiz was conducted. A total of 65 students belonging to various schools took part in this event. Science Quiz was really an infotainment program which tested the depth of science knowledge and spontaneity of the children.

On 24th Feb., there was a competition for teachers as well, where in 6 selected teachers from 6 schools made impressive presentations on the topic ‘Self-learning and skill up gradation for students and faculty using Science & Technology’, ‘Role of Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development in India’ and ‘Addressing the gap between knowledge and application for sustainable Future using Science & Technology’. As young minds are molded by a teachers hands, their presentations gave our confidence in them a boost and assuring a great future.

NSD Committee 2022 at URSC, thank all the students, teachers and head of the schools to actively participate in these programmes even during this pandemic time. Thier participation enabled us to continue the rich heritage of NSD celebrations at URSC. We hope that next year will be much more brighter with in-person participation.
nsd-2021 drawings