Home : ISRO Robotics Challenge, URSC : Description of the challenge Last updated on: 23-July-2024


Round Task Document
Prelims Registration and Submission of Proposal Report Click here to download Prelims Rules Book v1.2
1.6MB application/pdf icon Last updated on 11-12-2023

Click here to download template for proposal report
159KB application/pdf word Last updated on 17-11-2023

Click here to download Parasolid file
19.6MB application/x_t parasolid Last updated on 17-11-2023
Quals Submission of Design Report and Demonstration of Prototype operation on the specified arena. Click here to download details of Arena v1.1
800KB application/pdf word Last updated on 14-02-2024

Click here to download Quals Rule Book v1.0
1.1MB application/pdf word Last updated on 02-02-2024
Field Round The final onsite competition to perform the required tasks is planned to be conducted at URSC Bengaluru Campus. Click here to download Field Round Rule Book v1.1
1.4MB application/pdf icon Last updated on 23-07-2024

Click here to download Parasolid file
529KB application/x_t parasolid Last updated on 23-07-2024